Only a small amount of nutrients added to a pond can cause a lot of problems with aquatic plant growth. Nutrients can be added to your pond in a number of ways, such as, leaves, grass clippings, wildlife waste, and runoff from lawns, cattle pastures, and farm fields...
Do You Know
The resident Canada goose population doubles every three years.
The resident Canada goose population doubles every three years. As a result, heavy concentrations of geese make playgrounds, athletic fields, corporate campuses, parks and recreational areas, golf courses and residential areas unusable. In addition, just one goose...
Loons need clean, clear water so they can catch fish.
A few simple things you can do to help loons: Use only phosphate-free detergent and fertilizer. Keep pets from running wild along lake shores and harassing wildlife. Make sure garbage is out of reach of loon predators like skunks and raccoons. Enjoy loons from a...
Hydrilla was originally introduced in the United States as an aquarium plant
Hydrilla was originally introduced in the United States as an aquarium plant. Hydrilla has spread throughout the US and abroad. It grows rapidly from fragments, tubers and turions, and can remain dormant for 7+ years. Hydrilla is unintentionally and easily spread from...
Zebra mussels first appeared in Lake St. Clair
Zebra mussels first appeared in Lake St. Clair (yellow star, north of Lake Erie), possibly from ship’s ballast water from the Black Sea region. They rapidly spread downstream with the current, and upstream and to other watersheds on boats, with bait, and by other...