Cyano-Bacterial Bloom, a Case Study

This is an actual case study of treating a serious algae bloom at a private pond.
- This private pond is experiencing a toxic algal bloom, indicated by the bright green, paint-like algae across the surface of the water.
- The algae is known as cyano-bacteria, and it is a tell-tale sign of eutrophication of a waterbody, which is the degradation and aging of a waterbody due to an excess of nutrient inflow from both point sources such as geese residence, inlets, and non-point sources like runoff and fertilizers.
- Cyano-bacteria is harmful to people and animals, because of its toxic nature.
- Upon diagnosis, it was determined to use Peroxyhydrate and flumioxazin to reintroduce oxygen, and to deprive the planktonic algae from its nutrients.
- Using these products minimized the chances of a koi fish kill, due to the products not further depleting oxygen.
- The result, as seen above, was regaining control over the private pond within 2 weeks.