Aquatic Links
Information To Help in Your Journey
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Agriculture And Conservation
Aquatic Ecology
- American Rivers
- Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants
- Dam Safety
- Fisheries and habitat conservation
- Great North American Secchi Dip-In
- Great Lakes Information Network
- National Wetlands Inventory
- The Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS)
- U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
- US EPA Wetlands
- Water on the Web
- World Lakes Network
- Water Quality-Aq. Plants, Algae & Lakes
Universities And Education
Exotic Species And Plants
Federal Government
Natural Resource Management
- Center for Geographic Information
- Ducks Unlimited
- The Endangered Species Program
- The Groundwater Foundation
- Institute of Water Research
- Michigan Clean Water Corps
- Michigan Environmental Council
- Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
- Michigan United Conservation Clubs
- National Wildlife Federation
- Society for Ecological Restoration International
- Think Outside the
- Trout Unlimited
State Government
Watershed/Land Management
- Center for Watershed Protection
- Great Lakes Basin Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program
- Green Landscaping Wild Ones Handbook
- Groundwater Mapping Project
- Headwaters Land Conservancy
- Huron River Watershed Council
- Impacts of Land Use Change on Water Resources
- Land Trust Alliance
- Land Use Area of Expertise Team
- Low Impact Development Center
- Minnesota Shoreland Management Information
- The Nature Conservancy
- Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution)
- Riparian buffers
- Protection of local wild & scenic places
- Stormwater Manager’s Resource Center (SMRC)
- Surf your Watershed
- Biochemists
- BioSafe Systems
Other Industry Related Sites
- 2,4-D Task Force
- Aquatic Plant Management Society
- Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
- Illinois Lake Management Association
- Michigan Lake & Stream Association
- Midsouth Aquatic Plant Management Soc.
- Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Soc.
- Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Soc.
- Pennsylvania Lake Management Society
- South Carolina APMS
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Western Aquatic Plant Management Society